Monday 26 July 2021

A poem about my tongue

 At the start of every week our class starts different types of writing with a different focus. This week our focus was writing a poem about our favorite body parts.  I had a hard time with planning and on deciding what my best body part was because I love all my body parts because they are all useful.  I really enjoyed writing my poem  more than I expected to. I have never written a poem before and have especially never written one about my favorite body part. 

When most of us finished our poems the teacher made them black and white and put them on our photo and media page. We all put our black and white photos on the slide that the teacher made for everyone and we added a black and white background to match. 

The next day when we walked into class our poems were hanging up on the ceiling and everyone was looking for theirs. This is how we created our poems! I would be interested to hear your comments about whether you have written a poem before and what was it about ? 

Friday 9 July 2021

How high will it fly?

 Today we're doing some crazy science we are learning how to use a Aqua pod. I think the Aqua pod will go at least 5 or 6 meters high because I seen people do it before I think  if we do the same thing it will work. So it turned out if did go about the height I guessed let me walk you through the steps we used to make the aqua pod go flying. Do you know what a Aqua pod is? It's basically a orange launch pad for the bottle and something for the pump to connect to.

Firstly you have to fill your bottle (with water) to about 1/3  then you get the aqua pod and tip it upside down so the the water wouldn't spill when you screw the bottle onto the valve. There is a black rubber seal on the valve to stop the water from leaking and dripping.

Secondly you have to connect the  pump to anthor valve and pump it eight times. Then you pull the string and with the pressure for the air that had been pumped into the bottle it make it blast of into the sky. And that's what we did with our Aquapod here's a photo of it.

Friday 2 July 2021

Not your normal sort of golf

This week we have been learning how to find area and perimeter. This is new to me so it was hard to understand it at first but after we watched a video called How to Find Area and Perimeter I started to understand. After we watched the video our teacher showed us where and how to make the golf course.

I found it really easy because Miss Hickling labeled everything out for us so we could drag and then measure the grass blocks. I didn't really find it hard but it was sort of difficult to understand how to add the measurements. I enjoyed putting the obstacles on the golf course to make it look cool.

Do you know how to measure area and perimeter? If you don't , have a look at the video it will teach you a lot.