Tuesday 31 August 2021


 Have you been watching the Paralympics? The Paralympics has now started and that means we will start researching it and writing about it. I am very excited about it because I like the athletes because you may think the olympians are amazing, They are But paralympians have disabilities which makes it twice as hard. Which is amazing. We had a task today which was to make some slides about it. I found it hard to rewrite the sentences onto my slides But I really liked researching them. Please comment on what you think I did well and if you have a cool fact about the Paralympics I might add it to my slides. Matewa

Taskmaster ll

 Do you watch taskmaster? Well our teachers have made some taskmaster tasks to do with our family. Sadly I didn't do all the tasks because I din't have the materials. But that didn't stop me trying to do the easy tasks. One of the Tasks was to blind fold one of you team mates and try to draw a mountain with snow birds and three trees. I found it very difficult to direct my mum to where she needed to draw but I enjoyed looking at it when it was done. Another task was to make a Origami cup and spot the difference. I really liked this activity because I am good at origami because I used to have a Japanese friend that did a lot of origami. I found it very easy to find the differences and make the 6 step cup and for more colour I added some designs. Comment if you like to make origami objects. Matewa


 Another one of today's tasks was about wellbeing. If you don’t know what wellbeing is it's a feeling of being happy and healthy. For this task we had to roll a fake dice from youtube and roll it three times. We had to choose an activity from our numbers and take a photo. I enjoyed this task because I had to get my chromebook and do star jump,burpees ect. I found it challenging to do burpees because I'm not very good at them. Please comment if you think I did well. Matewa

Our month Refection

 It's coming to the end of august. This is when we reflect on the month and think hard about what we enjoyed, did and didn't really like about the learning. Most of the month we have been in lockdown so most of our learning has been online. For this task we had to make a copy of the template then write in everything and answer all the questions in the boxes. I like reflecting on my learning because you can set new goals and look at what you achieved. Maybe you could start reflecting on your own school work and what new goals you can set. Comment if you already do it or if you think we should keep doing it. How your August been Check out what happened in mine. Matewa.

Monday 30 August 2021


 Today for RE we have been learning about saints. We had to go on a jambord and name all the saints we know. Then we had to choose one saint to research and answer about 5 questions. Our options were to make some slides, a wevideo or an animation I chose to make a wevideo. I love making Wevideos because they are very unique and you can add music to them. But I found it difficult to write all the questions in the video. Comment if you have used wevideo before and comment what saints you know. Matewa,

Scratch Cicadas

 Morena, Did you know that there are more than  3,000 species of cicadas? Well If you know what scratch is its a coding website that teaches you to code I will link it at the end. We had many task to choose from but I chose a scratch task, In this task we had to make our animal jump over objects. My animal was a cicada, But there were know cicada charters so I had to use a Dragonfly. The thing that help me with this was a youtube tutorial that the teachers linked for us.  I found it very challenging to make the objects move but really enjoy the coding side of it. Please have a try out of my game here are the controls . Space to jump and press the green flag to start and restart. I hope you like it! Scratch Tutorial

Friday 27 August 2021

My Journal

 My Journal

Do you have or write in a journal? Well one of our tasks a few days ago was to make a copy of a slide show that has ten awesome activities to do each day. This will update frequently so come to everyday if you please and look to see what I have updated. This Is going to be really fun to work on because I don’t have a journal at home. But it is also going to be challenging to remember to complete every day. Please comment on what you think I am doing well with. Matewa.

Thursday 26 August 2021

2D shapes

Do you know all your angles and shapes? Before lockdown we were learning about shapes and angles to remember of bye heart. Now our teachers linked a video for us two watch and make some of our own 2D shapes out of paper. I made a pyramid. I found this task REALLY hard! And got my mum to help me. But I enjoyed putting a face on it. Comment if you think my shape was good and if you thought I could of changed anything. Give the video a try and I hope you have fun! Matewa.    

Plastic Free Challenge

 I have been learning about Why we should be Plastic free and The Great Pacific Garbage Patch. If you don’t know that place, it's a big bit of the ocean that is filled with our rubbish. It's terrible. So we read a book made by room five from Motueka South School. When I got on to making my slides I wanted to make them to make people think about how they could make a change. I really enjoyed this task because the topic has been a problem I have always thought of and one I wanted to change. I found it quite challenging to put the facts into my own words. Please comment if you're going to try this challenge and If I made you consider it. Hope you like my slides. Matewa.

Wednesday 25 August 2021

What happens when you put baking soda and vinegar together?

 What happens when you put baking soda and vinegar together?

We have been learning about what happens when you put baking soda and vinegar together. Before we did the experiment we watched a  video  on it and it told us how to do everything. When I did the experiment it took a while to work and fizzed up at the bottom what I wonder if it will do the same it you try it? If you tried the experiment tell me in the comments how it went. Mine went well. Try it out!

You need

Ballon or ziplock bag

Smallest bottle you can find ( doesn't really matter)

Baking soda enough to fill balloon

½ a cup of vinegar


Ps . If you're using a ziplock bag only put three teaspoons of baking soda in .




Nature art

 Do you know who andy Goldsworthy is? We have learnt about Nature art Inspired by Andy Goldsworthy. After we had watched a video about him and his art we had the challenge to make our own Nature art . At the time I was thinking about maori culture , so I decided that I wanted to make a koru. I gathered up some different coloured stones and  got to work. At the time I found it tricky to get the shape of the koru right, But I really enjoyed it at the same time. Please comment on what you think I did well. I encourage you to check out some of Andy Goldsworthy’s art. Here it is. 

Do you Compost?

Today we were learning about why composting is good and we had to end up writing a report about it. For this task we had to watch an interesting video on composting, Then we had to read two books that were also about composting. I found it fun and easy to write my plan. But I also found it challenging to write my key words into paragraphs. Please in the comments say If you have a compost or how many you have. Here is my writing  


Why do we compost? This information report Should tell you what it is how it is made and what the benefits of it are .

What is it ?

A compost bin is a wood, plastic or sometimes metal bin that holds bugs, green waste , brown waste that makes healthy soil. We use this composting bin to create compost from the kitchen and house waste that you might just throwaway. The compost bin has two jobs, it recycles waste and creates a product that you can use back in your garden because plants love this and it helps feed them to make more food that you can use back in your kitchen!. 

How is it made?

When throwing your green and brown waste into a compost bin it actually goes through a big cycle. First when you throw your waste away you make layers, Those layers then decompose. Worms and other helpful bugs eat the green and brown waste which when it comes out the other end it has been broken down and they keep doing that over and over again till it is mostly all soil. When all the waste has decomposed and has turned into healthy nutritious soil. People put it back in their gardens to help the plants grow healthy and strong, this makes them happy and colourful.

What are the benefits of composting?

Everybody has waste, but not everybody has compost. If you are one of these people you should consider getting a compost because first you save money not having to pay to dump it.. Second It’s really good for your plants and the environment. And lastly it's just amazing healthy soil which keeps our worms happy!


There are only good reasons to have your own compost And if you do it right there are no yucky smells to it. I think everybody should make a compost to do your part to lessen the amount of waste that goes out into the environment from your consumption.

Tuesday 24 August 2021

The Magic Jawbone

 I'm sure most of you reading this have watched or heard of Maui the Maori legend. We  watched a video on how he found his mother and father after we the    the  create was to either draw,Make a digital or lego Jawbone,Wood pigeon or stop motion video. I found it challenging to draw the maori patterns inside of the hook and draw the shape of the jawbone. Please comment if you like my jawbone and if you think it's good . Here's my picture.

Night Time

 Have you seen a real life ruru before? Because of the lockdown our teachers wanted us to get outside and get active so they made a poster of a bunch of things we could do outside and one of them was to go outside at night with a torch and explore. I live on a farm so We have lots of property to explore. I loved going out there tonight with all the fresh air around me and I got to show other people a ruru (Morepork
). I found it hard to shine the light on the ruru and record at the same time. Please tell me if my video was cool and if I showed you a ruru for the first time heres the video.

Monday 23 August 2021


Our second task for today was to answer questions. You're probably wondering what questions I am answering . Well I am Answering questions about native animals. We got to choose our Native
New Zealand animal. I chose an eel.When It comes to these slippery and slimy creatures there are actually a lot you don't know about them like did you know that there are only two breeds of eel in New Zealand: the short fin and long fin eel.

Here are my answers to the questions

What is the Eels mori name?


What are the two different species of eels in New Zealand? How do you tell them apart?

Long fin eel and short fish eel. 

The dorsal (witch is the top) fin extends a lot further forward than the anal (The bottom) fin.

Cats and Dogs

 Do you have a cat or dog? Well This blog post is especially for people who love cats and dogs. We were learning how to apply Knowledge which is collecting facts and sharing them like on a poster or ad mabey. During my learning we had to pick our grade of reading and read a book about the topic we had. My topic was cats and dogs. I found it really fun and easy finding some facts to put on my poster, But I also found it hard to fit everything onto my slides because they were pretty long sentences. Please comment if you learn anything and share some facts you know about cats and dogs. Here it the book and video I watched to learn some new facts. 

Sunday 22 August 2021

Minecraft Habitats

Because of level four lockdown we had to go back to online learning. For our online learning our teachers have made it fun and has us to doing tasks.One of our tasks is to make a animal habitat with food and what sort of environment it lives in. I did multiple habitats. I found it really fun making animal habitats because I love animals and the way they live. I found it difficult to take the screenshots of the habitats, But I manged to problem solve and find out how to do it. Please comment on what you think I did well and what you think I could improve on. Here are my animal habitats.

Friday 20 August 2021

Mary The Mother Of Jesus

 Have you used word cloud before? Today I used it for the first time to describe mary. Today I zoomed through all my tasks for task master. Taskmaster is  an activity we do daily because of our three day lockdown. Our Third task for today was to go onto word cloud and describe Mary the mother of Jesus using single words. For this activity I enjoyed using a new app, but since this was my first time it was challenging to find out where everything was. Please comment on how well you think I did because I really want some feedback on it. Go check out Word Cloud

My homemade prayer space

Because of the country's three day lock down we cant go to school and do our morning prayers. So yesterday at our last zoom call the teacher said to our own prayer space ready for tomorrow. So I put my hands together and went for a search around the house to find some stuff to put on my prayer table. On my prayer table I had a candle to represent the light of Jesus Cloth to resemble ordinary time  an Animal figure for gods Creation along with a stag antler and owl light, Rosary bead necklace and Last but not least some fairy lights and  stones.You could say that it is very Nature themed and I agree but, I also think It resembles everything you could name about christ.

It was quite Challenging for me to find things that we fit to put on the prayer table because I don't usually pray at home. But I enjoyed making it look pretty and showing it to the class. Please comment on what you think of my prayer table and what you think I could add.

Thursday 19 August 2021

Come learn about bees

 Do you not know enough about bees? Here are five facts to boost your knowledge about bees. During our learning about bees we were learning about how to summarize but straight after I finished the summarizing project I started straight on the extra for experts. We had to read with the teacher and read some other books about bees which I will link at the end. 

I enjoyed adding the little bees and flower to my slide. But I found it challenging to get all the facts to fit on the page. Comment If you learnt anything new about bees.


 Because of our three day lock down, our teachers have organised some activities for us to do. Today's activity was to be camouflaged, then to reveal ourselves. If we disguised as the animal we have been researching about, we got extra points on our class dojo . I have been Researching about deer also known as Cervidae.

I watched a video about other people being camouflaged (I will share the link). I wanted the extra dojo points!  I got out an old painting of a stag,  I hid behind the painting leaning against the wall, and Boom I have an easy video of me and the painting. It was challenging to get my body in the right position to make sure you couldn't see my body. But here is my video of me being camouflage. Camouflage vid

Wednesday 18 August 2021


Do you think robots will take over the world or do you think that they are kind and friendly and would help out the world. Lots of people have different mind sets about AI Artificial intelligence. This week we have been watching and reading about AI .We learnt this because we could be able to put it into our writing. I found this task really easy but really interesting at the same time. There was one thing that was challenging though it was brainstorming some problems that I could make a robot for . We made some slides about what problems there are that we want to fix. We had to choose one and make a robot on google drawings  or on paper. So can you  comment on any ideas you think I should add to my robot?

Friday 13 August 2021

Bee Themed?

 This week our focus for mostly everything is Bees. Our reading task this week is summarizing a book about bees. This week our teacher set up our summarizing page so that we could write everything down and post it two our blog in two days. We learnt about this because we did an experiment on bees to see how they picked up pollen.This activity wasn't the easiest because at the start I never really understood summarizing but this time I really started to understand it.  It would be really helpful it you could comment on this blog post and tell me what I have done well. Bye 

Tuesday 10 August 2021

Art Representing Japan

 Do you know what a Pagoda is? Or do you know why cherry blossoms are so important to Japan? and If  don't know I can tell you facts and information about these things and why we did this artwork. So first of all we did this artwork because of the Olympics in Japan. For our learn create share we had to  learn about their flag. Like you mite not have knew that the red dot on the Japanese flag is the rising sun.

Earlier I was talking about a Pagoda for those of you who don't know what it is  it's a Religious building that people use for religious purposes. They are a big part of Asia (and Japan) because they are a very sacred place. Japanese people like cherry blossoms because it represents the start of new things. And people go and have picnics when they start to bloom.

Monday 9 August 2021

Tons of facts about Japan

 As you should know ,The Olympic games has been on and Is held in Japan. So we decided that we would learn about the games. We have been researching and reading books about Japan to put on our slides.These slides have to be Japanese themed. There were lots of slides to choose from that we had to pick for our topics. We had to choose 4 to 6 slides and add about 3 to 6 facts for that topic which is Japan based.I think our task this week was Challenging because we had to put them into big sentences or paragraphs, not short sharp facts. 

Wednesday 4 August 2021

Have you ever been to the Olympics?

 You should know that the Olympics are on and are being hosted in Tokyo. So we have been learning about it and have been researching and reading interesting stories about the Olympics .

This reading task has been very changeling because my goal was to get five facts down on every slide and I did do that but I have been work after school and in my own time to get it done.I loved learning about the Olympics because I am competitive in my sports that I play and I love it because It's a worldwide challenge and we get to join in.

Did you know that before gold was first place it was silver ? Or did you know that the first modern Olympic games were in 1896? There are so facts about the Olympics. Now go check out my slides to learn more interesting facts about the Olympics.I would love it if you could give me some feedback on my slides to see how well I did with my research .